Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Why Company Research is Important

You might assume you know what a company does ... but it's best to do some company research before you go on your interview. This was apparent to me today when I was talking with a resume client who related the story about her boyfriend, who was interested in applying for a job with Oriental Trading Company. However, he shared with her that he was concerned about the warehouse job being "too dusty." She wondered why he would think that -- and he responded that he thought the rugs would get dirty and dusty in the warehouse.

Those of you who know Oriental Trading Company (better than my client's boyfriend, anyway), know that they specialize in novelty toys and gifts, and not oriental rugs.

My point, and it was well understand by the boyfriend in question (when he said, "I guess it was good that I found that out before I went on the interview!") is that it's important to research a company before you even apply for a job with them (and even MORE important once an interview is scheduled). Understanding the specific needs of the company will help position you as a solution to one of their problems -- and that's why companies hire employees ... to solve problems.

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