Friday, August 29, 2008

Program Helps Clients Find Jobs in 28 Days

In a world where 85 percent of available jobs are never advertised, "Get Hired Now!" authors C.J. Hayden and Frank Traditi have developed a practical, hands-on program to help job-seekers -- and the career development professionals who serve them -- to tap into the hidden job market. This inspirational and motivational program (based on the book) helps job seekers benefit from the single most important factor to a successful job search -- the power of personal relationships.

At the heart of the program is a structured 28-day system to lead job seekers through the three key components of a successful job search:
  1. Identifying the best job search strategies for the job seeker's professionals goals.
  2. Helping the job seeker know exactly how and when to take action.
  3. Keeping the job seeker motivated in the face of frustration and rejection.
Consistently directing job seekers to the most practical "next step" in a job search, "Get Hired Now" helps job-seeking individuals identify personal goals, find opportunities and contacts, connect with potential employers, get interviews, and land the job.

Bridget (Weide) Brooks, CPRW, has recently become a licensed facilitator for the 28-day "Get Hired Now" program. More information about structured programs and teleclasses will be forthcoming. The program is also available through one-on-one coaching with job seekers. For more information, call Bridget Brooks at (402) 393-4600.

About the Authors/Program Developers:
C.J. Hayden is a Master Certified Coach and author of the best-selling "Get Clients Now!"™ book and program. Since 1992, she has helped thousands of professionals achieve career success. A recognized leader in the coaching professions, Hayden has taught career skills at Mills College, Chevron, and Federal Express.

Frank Traditi is a career strategist and executive coach with more than 20 years of experience in management, sales, and marketing for Fortune 500 companies, including MCI. He has taught job search skills for the Information Technology Institute, the Universities of Wyoming and Colorado, and the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment.

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